Saturday, April 11, 2009

Getting Started

Nice to have you here today. If you have any questions, comments or you want me to expand on anything for you, you can leave a comment. I welcome the comments and questions. I will make sure I address each and every one of them. Please keep in mind that if you have any ongoing health issues, you should first discuss any physical exercise routine with your doctor before you start. Now let's get to work.

We are going to talk about how your routine should start out. I don't care if you are a novice or and expert when it comes to working out, you MUST start out the same way. I see many people that do not and those people take the risk of getting injured. Let's face it, if your going to put in the time and effort into getting fit you don't need the set back of and injury. Really! Take it from me. I've been there.
  • Let start off by making sure your body has the fuel it needs to perform during your workout. Your body should have enough protein and carbs to get it through your routine. This is where your daily diet comes in. The proper amount varies for each person. This info can be found in my Weight Control page under the Weight Loss post. You also need to have the right mental attitude. If your not ready for it mentally your not going to get the full benefits.
  • Start evey workout with with warm up and stretching. I usually recommend 15 minutes of stretching and at least 15 minutes of CORE workout. I will cover this in my next installment on Exercise.
That's it for this post. I'll be looking forward to your comments and questions. See you on the next post.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Introduction To Exercising And Weight Training

This is one in a series for three Blogs that I have. Each one, on it's own, will give you great information about obtaining better health. But together they can empower you to get through that sticking point, or get you on the road to a healthier lifestyle. I've been blessed with having many good people in my life to learn from.

If you are looking to loose weight, gain weight, want better overall health or want that ultimate muscular body, check out my blog daily. Empower yourself with the knowledge to break through the sticking points and reach your goals for better health. I'm in the process of developing the blog with great information and tips to help you. So bookmark it and come back often.